The Davis® Attention Mastery Program provides a drug free solution to ADD/ADHD. The program provides effective tools to help people aged eight and older, with ADD or more general attention, behavioral, or organizational difficulties. Individuals get to the root cause of their difficulties and resolve them.
Adults and children learn:
- How to recognize and clear up distorted perceptions.
- Tools to help them focus, relax, and control and monitor their energy levels.
- How to master and internalize concepts that will help them with social interactions and attention issues. These concepts include:
self, change, consequence, before, after, cause, effect, time, sequence, and order vs. disorder.
- How to apply these concepts in real life situations.
One client attributed this program to saving his marriage. He came to me because he hadn’t internalized the concepts mentioned above.
One day he was supposed to pick up the dry cleaning, get some groceries for dinner, and tidy the house prior to dinner while his wife prepared the meal for their guests. He made a list of what he wanted to do that day. At the end of the day, he had accomplished a lot on his list: jogged, disassembled a computer to begin fixing it, painted half the dining room, and picked up the dry cleaning. He hadn’t picked up the groceries or tidied up and…the dining room was half painted! They took their guests out to dinner.
What concepts were missing? Consequence, before, after, cause, effect, time, sequence, order…You can imagine how mastering these concepts not only helped him save his marriage, but also helped him hold down a job.